(quickest way for me is to type: Cmd-Space and type 'activity' - good old spotlight)
Do you see a process called 'parentalcontrolsd'? If so, take a look at it:
If it's anything like on my Mac, you may now be saying 'HOWWW much memory?'
I'm on El Capitan (10.11.5) but I've had this for a long time. The weird thing is, it's on my 'work' Mac (15" pro retina) but not on my BYOD one that I also use for work and which has much the same software stack (13" pro retina). I've tried pretty much all the internet suggestions and got a whole load of nowhere.
Anyone any ideas?
At the moment, all I can offer is this: Macs have two useful commands for processes. Go to 'terminal' to use them:
pgrep parentalcontrolsd (or even just pgrep parental - it works with partial names)
If you get a number back, then parentalcontrolsd is running.
Then you need:
sudo pkill -9 parentalcontrolsd (you'll get prompted for your password - you need sudo to run this as root)
This kills it stone dead (as you can see in the screenshot). Use pgrep to check.
It's OK to use pkill even if it doesn't find the process - I keep it in a terminal window so I can just use 'up arrow' to run it when I need it. Which I do, because it keeps coming back . . .
More enlightened people will probably be able to create a scheduled job using cron or some such to kill it every hour or so.
**update** I've tried using Automator to run the pkill every hour or so - only problem is that I can't get automator to run a script as root/admin so I get permission errors . .any ideas? **update**
Even more enlightened people probably have a proper cure - if you do, please let me know!